Stroud Rocks

Barrow Market


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Roll up, roll up! 

Taking place in the largest local indoor hall on selected Sunday mornings from November through to February. The Barrow Market is a table-top sale but with a bit of a difference! The name comes from the wheelbarrows the Chantry Centre makes available to help sellers transport their pre-loved items from their cars to their booked tables.

Looking for pre-loved bargains or fancy a browse, then this is the place to be.

Date: Sunday 5th January, 2nd February, 16th February (Please note the 16th of February has been cancelled)
Time: 10am - Noon
Location: Indoors @ Chantry Centre, Long Street, Dursley
Cost: FREE entry for buyers

If you'd like a stall at the Barrow Market - Feel free to click this link to book you spot
£7 per table

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